Tag: Gay Rights
Crazy or Fabulous?
Gayness as a religion. Is this simply the crazy rantings of self-proclaimed internet porn-addicted attorney Chris Sevier or is this something that should be seriously considered? This week Chris served papers in a DC court claiming that gayness is a religion and, as such, the rainbow flag, a well-known symbol of gayness, should not be allowed to be displayed on government property. Many of my friends think that Chris, the man who filed legal suites against some states when they wouldn’t let him marry his porn-filled laptop computer, a crackpot. I, however, think he’s on to something that deserves serious consideration. Maybe gayness should be deemed a religion and awarded all the benefits that other religions, and their representatives, are given under federal and state law. Of course there will be some pros and some cons to gayness being declared a religion.
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