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Gay Olympians Represent U.S. Diversity

February 10, 2018 | 0 Comments

Gus Kenworthy and Adam Rippon

Gus Kenworthy and Adam Rippon have been causing quite the stir as the 2018 Winter Olympics kicks off.  Both are openly (out) gay men representing the U.S. on the winter team.  To clarify, they are not the first gay athletes to compete on team USA, they’re the first out athletes to do so; that’s what makes them different.  While the majority of Americans don’t care about Olympian’s sexual orientation, the bigoted right and liberal left are both using Rippon’s comments and refusal to meet with anti-gay VP Pence to fuel their political agendas.

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Nunes memo disappointment

February 3, 2018 | 0 Comments

All the media hype over release of the Nunes memo has resulted in nothing but disappointment. FOX News, who claims to be fair and balanced, started the #releasethememo movement to shift the public’s attention from Mueller’s Russia probe and cast shade on America’s intelligence agencies & FISA court that issue surveillance warrants. I’ve watched and listened to FOX News for hours since Republican congressman Nunes released his (partisan) memo and have yet to hear one FOX pundit call for the other half of the memo, the Democrat’s rebuttal.  It’s time now for left-leaning media outlets like MSNBC and HuffPost to keep the #releasethememo movement alive until the Democrat’s memo is also release so that we, the educated, can compare both memos head-to-head and make our own fair and balanced assessment.

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The Spacey Rapp thing is total BS

October 31, 2017 | 0 Comments

Anthony Rapp

This week Kevin Spacey came out as gay after he was accused by fellow thespian Anthony Rapp of sexually inappropriate advances.  Rapp is a very good looking guy so making an advance is understandable except that Spacey’s advances allegedly  happened when Rapp was only 14 and Spacey was 26.  Many in Hollywood were quick to condemn Spacey for his comment on Rapp’s allegation and timing of his coming out, and they should – we all should.

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Comments on Charlottesville expose R hypocrisy

August 13, 2017 | 0 Comments

It is a sad time in America to be sure and things are likely going to get much worse before better.  Emboldened by the election of a president that was openly backed by ultra right wing Christian extremist and racists, these hate groups have taken to the streets feeling revitalized; knowing that the president and other members of the (R)uling party has their backs.  After all, they accepted their campaign donations, appointed them to positions in the government, and continue to push their policy agendas of bigotry and hate.  That is what makes the statements made by many top Republicans about the terrorist attack in Charlottesville  so hypocritical.

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Paul Mango is no drug expert

July 29, 2017 | 0 Comments

Paul Mango

Amazingly, FOX news has been the channel to watch or listen to on XM/Sirius lately if you actually want to hear news.  CNN has discarded news coverage altogether for non-stop Trump WH coverage.  They’re now what FOX was when Obama was president.  Anyway today on FOX they interviewed a man named Paul Mango that has announced his candidacy for the Pennsylvania governor race.  During the introduction they called him a “healthcare expert” with “vast experience in business and healthcare”.  While I found his answers to some questions adequate, his reply to “what would you do about the opioid epidemic” was beyond ignorant.

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Crazy or Fabulous?

July 20, 2017 | 0 Comments

the church of fabulous

Gayness as a religion.  Is this simply the crazy rantings of self-proclaimed internet porn-addicted attorney Chris Sevier or is this something that should be seriously considered?  This week Chris served papers in a DC court claiming that gayness is a religion and, as such, the rainbow flag, a well-known symbol of gayness, should not be allowed to be displayed on government property.  Many of my friends think that Chris, the man who filed legal suites against some states when they wouldn’t let him marry his porn-filled laptop computer, a crackpot.  I, however, think he’s on to something that deserves serious consideration.  Maybe gayness should be deemed a religion and awarded all the benefits that other religions, and their representatives, are given under federal and state law.  Of course there will be some pros and some cons to gayness being declared a religion.

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