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Tag: Civil Liberties

Nunes memo disappointment

February 3, 2018 | 0 Comments

All the media hype over release of the Nunes memo has resulted in nothing but disappointment. FOX News, who claims to be fair and balanced, started the #releasethememo movement to shift the public’s attention from Mueller’s Russia probe and cast shade on America’s intelligence agencies & FISA court that issue surveillance warrants. I’ve watched and listened to FOX News for hours since Republican congressman Nunes released his (partisan) memo and have yet to hear one FOX pundit call for the other half of the memo, the Democrat’s rebuttal.  It’s time now for left-leaning media outlets like MSNBC and HuffPost to keep the #releasethememo movement alive until the Democrat’s memo is also release so that we, the educated, can compare both memos head-to-head and make our own fair and balanced assessment.

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Sessions Update

July 18, 2017 | 0 Comments

jeff sessions cartoon

While the MSM has been playing up the Trump-Russia thing for the past week others in the administration have been doing horrible things that have gotten virtually no coverage.  Of the political stooges that have riled me this week, Jeff Sessions is at the top of the list.  With complete disregard to the principles of Freedom and Liberty, in the past 7 days Sessions has given his blessing for religious zealots to discriminate, affirmed his position on conviction-less asset forfeiture, and doubled down on his anti-weed crusade.

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